Calling linux commandline functions from NODE.JS

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[sgmb id=”1″]Currently I’am working on a project, where device management (dm) is needed. So a part of dm is to control devices remotely. My setup is a linux based device, that is connected to Azure Clouds IoT Hub with the new DeviceManagement-Feature. That device is controled by a NodeJs-App. One task of that is, to handle a reboot signal from the cloud. The problem I had, was to break through the node.js environment and to convince the device, to reboot. After some try-outs, I came up with following simple solution – maybe someone has the same problem, than this is a good start:

1) npm install sys child_process

2) …and use it as follows:

var sys = require('sys')
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
function puts(error, stdout, stderr) {


By Thomas

As Chief Technology Officer at Xpirit Germany. I am responsible for driving productivity for our customers by a full stack of dev and technology in modern times. But I not only care for technologies from Microsofts stack like Azure, AI, and IoT, but also for delivering quality and expertise with DevOps

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