I worked on a Release pipeline in VSTS for some month ago. Because I experimented with AzureCLI2.0 in my Release-Template, I switch from Hosted-BuildAgent to onPremise-BuildAgent. With setting things up and working out the details on how my release can run on my local BuildAgent, I had a successfull Release-Pipline.
Today I decided to switch the BuildAgent from my local one to a remote server, that suited my needs. I installed and configured my BuildAgent like I did on the other server and checked my release pipe with a deployment of already working Bits.
But what I didn’t expect, was the following error message:
“Run Login-AzureRmAccount to login.”
It’s curious, because from the log you can see, that there is already a login existing. So what could that error be.
After some time consuming investigation, I found, that my server installation, regarding PowerShell and the desired modules like AzureRM and so, are installed all to different modules folder, wherefor the agent and the release tasks are – let’s call it – irritated.
You can see the list of installed modules:
Get-Module -ListAvailable
The Fix: I uninstalled all Azure PowerShell modules and reinstalled them with Web Platform Installer.
Uninstall-Modules AzureRM
An alternative maybe, is also something, that I found here (it didn’t worked for me): Blog post from Darren Robinson
Here is a solution about updating all modules, but read yourself 🙂